How to Freeze Sourdough Bread

Pumpkin-shaped Sourdough Bread
Pumpkin-shaped Sourdough Bread

Many of our customers have asked us how to preserve their sourdough bread. Because our bread is made with a mere 3 ingredients of the highest quality with absolutely no preservatives, it can get moldy quite quickly…. especially in the warmer months. We have done some extensive experiments with our loaves and we can confidently tell you the very best way to preserve your special treasures of deliciousness.

There are a few different ways you can go about feezing your bread, depending on how you will want to consume it in the future. Lets start with the simplest.

Freezing a Whole Sourdough Loaf

This is something you would do when you know you will have company over and will want it to seem you were working hard at the oven for two days straight making the perfect loaf of sourdough bread for them! We won’t tell your guests that we actually made the loaf and all you had to do it reheat it! Here are the steps:

  1. When you get your fresh sourdough bread home, grab your roll of plastic wrap and wrap your loaf with at least 4 layers of plastic. Wrap it nice and tight and make sure there is nowhere that air can get in.
  2.  Put the wrapped sourdough in a ziplock bag and close it tight.
  3.  Place Sourdough bread in your freezer.
  1.  The day before you want to serve your sourdough loaf, take it out of the freezer and leave it wrapped on your counter so it can thaw out. Then you can taost the next morning for breakfast.
  2.  Preheat oven to 325 degrees for about 30-40 minutes before you want to serve.
  3. Once thawed completely, remove the plastic wrap and spritz generously with water. 
  4.  Put the loaf in the hot oven for 10 minutes
  5. Remove and let cool for 5 minutes then slice and serve


Freezing a Sourdough Loaf for Casual Munching 

This is the perfect solution if you live at home alone and would like to get REAL sourdough but just couldn’t eat the loaf fast enough before it gets moldy. 

  1. When you get your fresh sourdough bread home, grab your bread knife and slice it into perfect serving sizes
  2. You can then do one of two things.  If you will eat in the next 3 weeks, go ahead and throw the slices straight into a ziplock bag. If you will savor the loaf over a longer period of time, then you better wrap each slice individually in plastic wrap to maintain freshness over the long term.  Put the wrapped sourdough slices in a ziplock bag and close tight
  3.  Find a place in your freezer for safekeeping
  1.   For best results, take out the slice and let thaw out. Once thawed, enjoy!
  2.  Conversely, you can pop the frozen slice right into the toaster and enjoy it that way as well.

Keeping a handful of fresh sourdough in your freezer is a sure win! The quality of the loaf stays exactly the same for about 3 months. You can keep your loaves in the freezer longer, especially if you will use them for toast or for french toast. But if you are going to use it solely for sandwiches, you will want to use it before the 3 months.

Hope this helps you to be able to enjoy sourdough all year long, especially on those special occasions where you get to share with friends and family!